Oral Care and Covid-19

Oral Care and Covid-19

Covid-19 is a new viral pandemic that is currently ravaging the world. There is a tendency for exponential increase in the number of people affected, therefore all efforts must be employed to stem its tide. This brings us to the role of dental health professional and the general public in slowing down the pandemic. Dental practice is no doubt a discipline that works around the mouth and the nose, this therefore necessitates an adjustment away from our routine way of doing things.

Many clinics that are unable to institute appropriate protective measures are encouraged to suspend operations, which may mean inability to access your regular oral care provider. Those that will still be operational have scaled down their activities, attending only to emergencies.

The following measures will serve well with regards to oral health.

  1. Observe strict oral care measures, brushing twice daily with tooth brush and fluoride containing tooth paste. Avoid snacks and sugary food, smoking.
  2. Reschedule non emergency treatments for a later time. This will include procedures such as scaling, routine x-rays, and extraction of teeth which are not painful.
  3. Call your clinic for an assessment over the phone to determine if you should visit or hold on. A palliative measure can be advised pending when you go to the clinic. Painful tooth, swelling around the face, bleeding gums, injury to teeth and anywhere around the face may require immediate attention.
  4. As you visit the clinic, maintain the standard preventive measures: wear face mask properly, maintain physical distance of about 2meter from others, ask to wash your hands before and after the clinic session. If you need to cough, do it into your elbow sleeve, or into a tissue paper which should be discarded immediately.
  5. It is important to watch out for preventive measures put in place by the clinic. If in doubt, ask questions.

We can be reached for questions and more information.



Comment on "Oral Care and Covid-19"

  1. Ayoyinka

    Great info on managing dental check up in this time! Thank you for this sir.

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