If adequate care is not given to the mouth, the teeth will suffer deposits of unsightly debris known as plaque and calculus. This causes unwanted discoloration of teeth, bleeding gums, sensitive teeth and toothache of varying severity and what arguably is considered the most dreaded and the most embarrassing oral disease- bad breath, also known as halitosis. Holes form on teeth with accompanying toothache which can be a source of considerable distress. Unattended to, this may rapidly worsen giving rise to swollen face with risk of more fatal, widespread infection. With all these possible outcomes, there are equally important reasons for which good oral care must be observed. These are not readily visible to the general people most of the times but all the same as important.
Self esteem and confidence: These are no doubt important and needed for social interaction and can go on to boost the impression that an individual makes on others. An individual with deposits of calculus especially on the front teeth and halitosis will repel his audience thereby creating a negative impression. Those who have badly kept mouth will be embarrassed to come into close contact with others.
Physical Appearance may suffer in cases where many of the teeth at the back of the jaws have been lost. This leads to puckering of the cheek and reduced height of the face, thereby causing facial wrinkling and growth of oral thrush around the lips.
Poor outcome of systemic disease: the common systemic illnesses that are impacted by poor oral hygiene include diabetes mellitus, heart problems, kidney disease and stroke. Poor oral hygiene and diabetes impact each other both ways, diabetes aggravates the effect of poor oral hygiene which in turn makes drug control of diabetes very difficult. Poor oral hygiene aids incubation of bacteria which increase the risk of blood clots within the blood vessel thus increasing the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.
Poor pregnancy outcomes: poor oral hygiene is a strong predictor of preterm delivery, low birth weight and risk of abortion. This is mediated by toxic chemicals released by massive gum inflammations which interferes with the growth of the fetus and prematurely triggers labour.
Early diagnosis of some systemic diseases: the mouth mirrors the body and therefore may manifest the earliest signs of serious systemic disorders like HIV/AIDS, systemic lupus erythematosus, erythema multiforme, oral ulcerations, oral cancers, gastrointestinal disorders etc.
Disorders of the jaw joints is accompanied by pain which can be extremely discomforting. This is a result of loss of too many back teeth which brings the jaws to close sooner than normal, so putting undue stress on the joint.
Other conditions with which poor oral care may be associated are headache, earache, eyeache, jaw joints (temporo-mandibular joints) problems. Toothache, consequences of multiple lost teeth.
Paying timely attention to the care of the mouth can help prevent serious problems that may be more expensive to manage.
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